World on our Doorstep is now live

World on our Doorstep

World on our Doorstep, Newham’s new borough-wide creative activity programme, is now live. It aims to empower all people who live, work or study in Newham to access and create art in new ways and discover their own creative potential. The programme offers cultural, artistic and creative activities from singing to gardening and from painting to cooking, to explore the full breadth of what culture means to people in Newham. Activities take place in local spaces across all of the borough, bringing culture and creativity very much to your doorstep.

The World on our Doorstep programme is the result of a successful bid by Creative Newham for the Arts Council England’s Creative People and Places programme in 2022. This programme funds 39 places across England that struggle with low arts uptake and cultural engagement. The budget for Newham, which after match funding totals close to 1 million pounds to use over three years, prioritises projects that are community-led or co-created by locals. As a result, World on our Doorstep is for the people of Newham as well as by them. 

The programme team was set up at the end of 2022 and is now fully up and running. It offers regular opportunities for residents and creatives to take part in events and get involved in activities. It also invites people from Newham to submit ideas, volunteer on project teams, or help decide the course of the programme by joining steering boards. And every few months it invites pitches for new creative commissions from anyone in Newham who has a good idea. To be kept in the loop of all activity and opportunities, sign up to the World on our Doorstep newsletter here:

World on our Doorstep is overseen by a consortium of five organisations, made up of Community Links, Caramel Rock, Faithful Friends, the University of East London, and the National Cricket League. The activity programme itself is shaped by a board of Newham residents, which you can join by expressing your interest here: